Our Programs

We have designed this 24-week hands-on program to help entrepreneurs with challenges they face while building a company. 

MARL Startup Studio is Dedicated to

Nurturing Idea Stage Entrepreneurs


The Frederick Douglass Susan B. Anthony Bridge connecting to the Golden Gate Bridge represents economic inclusion and deal flow. Together with you we want to continue to strengthen our relationship with Silicon Valley to contribute to work already happening here in Rochester. We do that by creating a concierge experience with VCs we fly to Rochester to spend a few days with the entrepreneurship community: 

  • Engaging Silicon Valley investors to meet curated companies that are looking for seed and follow on funding 
  • Amplifying the robust Rochester startup ecosystem
  • Supporting ideation and helping get organic ideas into a shareable structure – MARL Think Entrepreneurship ™

All City Event Open To the Public Thursday May 4th, 2023

All City Event Open to the Public Thursday October 12, 2023 

MARL Think Entrepreneurship

Examines how entrepreneurship translates new ideas or processes into practical use in the form of products, markets or services, concepts or systems. The practice of entrepreneurship requires understanding different business paradigms, the ability to frame a value proposition, self knowledge, collaboration and strong communication skills.

Join MARL Startup Studio at Innovation Square to take a deep dive in the process of becoming an entrepreneur from framing an idea, to doing customer discovery, to sharing your idea in a public forum. Join us for 24 dedicated hours across 7 days in April to strengthen your understanding of business and how to shape and share an idea. April
